Sunday, November 11, 2012

Future Emergency Ideas

It has been a few days since the two storms have passed and everyday life is back to normal. The parents beach house in hard hit Ortley Beach is another story and we might not know the overall damage for another week or more.

My home lost 25 shingles from the super high winds and were reattached by my roofer at no cost, he is on the holiday gift list. During the storm we lost power at 10:00PM and did not get it back for ten days. Thanks to my neighbor for lending me a receptacle on his generator. This kept the basics going and the house semi warm with space heaters. We owe them a dinner out over the next week or two. A few items on my to do list for future emergencies include:

Stock up on water supply
Portable lanterns
Two thick extension cords
Small TV antenna in case my Verizon Fios goes out

A big help were my sleeping bags which kept my kids warm at night.
This list is sure to grow but its a good start. This is the second year in a row we lost power, 3 and 10 days.

Here's a tree that came down across the street from my house. When it hit the ground my house shook. Just glad it fell in that direction.


  1. Glad to hear things are slowly returning to normal!
    It's been a very tuff season already and I fear there's more to come. Good to hear no permanent damage!

  2. Hi John,
    I agree this might be the start of future weather patterns. Winter is right around the corner.
