Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Paraset Transceiver

Here is a very nice 4 watt CW transceiver Paraset (Whaddon MK V11) built by Hakan F. of Sweden.

I originally met Hakan on a request for a few vernier dials he purchased from J-Tron back in June. He mentioned they were for a transceiver project he was building and was kind enough to send along a few photos. He told me the radio is in the testing stages now and working on getting his radio license.
The Paraset has a long history dating back to the second World War. This radio was built for Britain's Special Operation Executive which conducted espionage behind German lines. You have to admit this is cool stuff.

A quick google search brought up a few links with more info.

A very nice job Hakan!

1 comment:

  1. I have one of those verniers arriving today for a transceiver project. Great looking Paraset!
