In the mean time I found a few ideas for a compromise antenna found on the net and will post the results later in the week. QST landed in the mailbox yesterday and there are a few good articles of interest including: A Stealth Antenna for HF, A 10 Meter Beacon Transmitter, & Solar Banners - A Propagation Resource which describes what all those numbers mean. Very nice write up for new comers into the hobby.
Not sure if any of you have seen the devil baby video floating around on the net? It's pretty cool how it scares the day lights out of people but I am more interested in the electronics behind it.
I am waiting for the making of the devil baby video.
Stay warm!
Hi Jim, I saw the video before, very funny. Indeed, well made. I am pondering about a 'small' antenna for 160 meters. I have no space for a long wire suitable for 80 and 160 meters. 73 Paul
ReplyDeleteHi Paul,
ReplyDeleteI am always looking for small antennas due to lack of space.