Yesterday I picked up More QRP Power book by ARRL.
A few easy circuits and interesting antenna ideas, makes for some nice back yard reading. Speaking of the yard, the sun just came out for a few minutes, if it stays dry going to set up and try my luck on the QRP hang outs with some SSB.
The family was going to head for the beach, some surf fishing for me, but they are calling for rain all day. We do need the rain big time! Its been a super hot summer.
Maybe some more computer work and than get motivated and head outdoors.
A lazy cloudy Sunday.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Good Read
Spent most of the afternoon reading "The Dark Tide" by Andrew Gross.
This is the type of book I can not seem to put down, starts with an explosion, killings, and plenty of action. I just finished "The Blue Zone" also by Gross, another mystery with a great ending. If your looking for a good summer read be sure to check out one of his books.
It was a super nice sunny day here in New Jersey. This evening their is a slight cool breeze which feels nice for a change considering the warm hot sticky days so far. Forecast is another nice Sunday so hoping to break out a radio outside and see how the bands are.
This is the type of book I can not seem to put down, starts with an explosion, killings, and plenty of action. I just finished "The Blue Zone" also by Gross, another mystery with a great ending. If your looking for a good summer read be sure to check out one of his books.
It was a super nice sunny day here in New Jersey. This evening their is a slight cool breeze which feels nice for a change considering the warm hot sticky days so far. Forecast is another nice Sunday so hoping to break out a radio outside and see how the bands are.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Saturday Evening Post
After my usual Saturday morning chores I did some afternoon building on the back picnic table.
Picked up a Philmore DATAkit 40 Meter VFO kit# 80-1404. VFO tunes from 7 to 7.3MHz. This kit is built around a Clapp Oscillator, instructions mention stable and a configuration for high proformance. Kit is broken up into five bags of components, finished first two bags in a slow take your time type of build.
This circuit will be fun to play around with, no crystals to mess with and individual frequencies to content with, even thou bandwidth is not that wide. Only one toroid core to deal with just in case your not a fan of winding, I hope for the best when I start counting the loops.
Kit includes about 26 components or so and a small size 1.6" x 3.0" screened PC board, schematic, and general write up about VFO's. Street price is $20.00 give or take.

A few months ago I downloaded from the ARRL website an easy to read article from Jan. 1980 QST by Doug DeMaw,W1FB, A Beginner's 3-Band VFO. Includes some good reading info: What is a VFO?, Design Points, Types of Circuits, Schematics, and Drift Characteristics.
Just a few throughts on backyard building, its great to be outside and out of the basement, plenty of time for that in the winter. Just be careful with the soldering iron if kids or pets are around. Plus with a slight breeze there is no need to worry about the smoke from your iron. Just being outside adds to the building experiance.
Tonight between Cops and America's Most Wanted on the tube, I will be reading up on the VFO's.
Enjoy The Rest of The Weekend!
Picked up a Philmore DATAkit 40 Meter VFO kit# 80-1404. VFO tunes from 7 to 7.3MHz. This kit is built around a Clapp Oscillator, instructions mention stable and a configuration for high proformance. Kit is broken up into five bags of components, finished first two bags in a slow take your time type of build.
This circuit will be fun to play around with, no crystals to mess with and individual frequencies to content with, even thou bandwidth is not that wide. Only one toroid core to deal with just in case your not a fan of winding, I hope for the best when I start counting the loops.
Kit includes about 26 components or so and a small size 1.6" x 3.0" screened PC board, schematic, and general write up about VFO's. Street price is $20.00 give or take.
A few months ago I downloaded from the ARRL website an easy to read article from Jan. 1980 QST by Doug DeMaw,W1FB, A Beginner's 3-Band VFO. Includes some good reading info: What is a VFO?, Design Points, Types of Circuits, Schematics, and Drift Characteristics.
Just a few throughts on backyard building, its great to be outside and out of the basement, plenty of time for that in the winter. Just be careful with the soldering iron if kids or pets are around. Plus with a slight breeze there is no need to worry about the smoke from your iron. Just being outside adds to the building experiance.
Tonight between Cops and America's Most Wanted on the tube, I will be reading up on the VFO's.
Enjoy The Rest of The Weekend!
QRP Lecture
This morning had some time to listen to George Dobbs G3RJV QRP lecture.
He is a wonderful speaker and it was a very informative talk about QRP building and operating that was down to earth and easy to understand. A few of the projects were very cool and look like fun to build and fire up on the air.
You can check out the lecture at and go to film archive section. There are other amateur radio instructional type stuff if QRP is not your interest.
Radio construction is rather like a pilgrimage.
Where the journey is often more important than
the destination.
George Dobbs G3RJV
I like what he said at his closing that amateur radio is a hobby, have fun with it!
He is a wonderful speaker and it was a very informative talk about QRP building and operating that was down to earth and easy to understand. A few of the projects were very cool and look like fun to build and fire up on the air.
You can check out the lecture at and go to film archive section. There are other amateur radio instructional type stuff if QRP is not your interest.
Radio construction is rather like a pilgrimage.
Where the journey is often more important than
the destination.
George Dobbs G3RJV
I like what he said at his closing that amateur radio is a hobby, have fun with it!
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